Return Policy

  • If the item(s) in your order is damaged in transit or does not match the items you placed an order for, you may return the item(s) to us within 14 days after delivery and we will either issue a refund or replace the item(s) within 28 days with the terms and conditions below:

    1. You must check any item(s) delivered at the presence of the delivery agent. If any damage or issue is noticed, you must sign for it or outrightly refuse the delivery. You must inform us of any issue with the order within 24 hours and all the packaging must be intact for you to make a claim. To expedite the reporting process, you should take a picture of the issue or damage and send it over through our email address.
    2. If an item is subject to a replacement, a similar item will be replaced with it. Under no circumstances will an item be replaced with a different item
    3. If an item is undamaged or without issues, you will not be entitled to a replacement.